We are passionately Picky about
about everything we do.
Joyful. Healthy. Living.
We believe in Balanced food that serves the body with it’s essential nutrients.
All of our food is made by us from scratch. We take full responsibility for the quality served to you. We do not believe in outsourcing. We work closely with the producers and farmers.

Organic Coffee Blend, Medium to Dark Roast
Yogurt, Milk or Vegan based. Ultimate or Pro. We have invented a new level in Soft Serve Ice Cream Based on Fresh ingredients. No Artificial Flavors or Colors. Perfectly picked for you.
Pick gets its meat from the following sources.
Turkey ( Belgium )
Chicken ( United Arab Emirates )
Meat ( Paraguay )
Pick was founded in the year 2010, with its first branch opening the following year in 2011 in Kaifan, Kuwait.
Picks logo is generated by the idea of picking up food, if you pick up food with your index finger in conjunction with your thumb you will find that it forms the shape of a rain drop which is picks logo.
Picks first branch opened in 2011 in Kaifan, Kuwait. It can still be found there today!
Picks headquarters can be located in Ardiya, Kuwait.
To find the nutritional value of picks products you can visit our website under the tab menu, or it can be done through the v-thru application where you will find all the available information about the products we serve.
Pick believes in a healthy living therefore we use a healthy substitute for sugar called stevia. What Is Stevia? Stevia is a sugar substitute made from the leaves of the stevia plant. It's about 100 to 300 times sweeter than table sugar, but it has no carbohydrates, calories, or artificial ingredients. Depending on the product using sugar will vary.
The timings of picks branches can be found on instagram and through google maps.
The biggest branch can be found in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
The founders of Pick are Jassem Al Duaij and Bader Al Oqaili.
Our Branches
Please click the small arrow on the top left of the map for a list of all branches.